Congrats to our High School Band Students!
We’re proud of our Fine Arts programs at WCA! We want to recognize our high school band program and the achievements of three students who consistently strive for excellence. Senior Campbell Griffin (clarinet), Junior Lauren Ims (trumpet), and Freshman Lacy Natale (flute), auditioned in January for All-District Band of the East-Central district of the NC Bandmaster’s Association.
Lauren scored high enough to make 4th chair trumpet in the highest group, the Wind Ensemble. In February, she recorded her part for this year’s Virtual All-District Band performance. In addition, her score qualifies her to audition for NCMEA All-State competition.
Edit to report NCMEA results: We’re proud to announce that Lauren Ims received a superior rating; Lacy Natale received an excellent rating; and our high school band received a superior rating as well!